Impact Sourcing

Giving Back. Shaping Futures. Changing Lives.



Eclaro Academy Logo
The ECLARO Academy Story

Giving back is at the very foundation of ECLARO’s culture and commitment to helping the communities in which we live and work. Inspired by a belief in the life-changing power of education, we opened the nonprofit ECLARO Academy in the Philippines more than a decade ago, and every day it continues to inspire.

There are nearly 4 million out-of-school youth in the Philippines, with half from families whose income falls within the bottom 30% of the population based on per capita income. Research indicates that education has a significant impact on individual earnings and economic opportunity.

  • If all students in low-income countries left school with basic reading skills, more than 170 million people could be lifted out of poverty
  • Each year of schooling increases a person’s lifetime earnings by 10%
  • Each dollar invested in an additional year of schooling generates earnings and health benefits of $10 in low-income countries
  • If education in much of the world fails to keep up with the demands required of future workers, there will be major shortages of workers in both developing and developed economies, and a surplus of workers with poor skills

Sources: UNESCO Global Education Marketing Report; Learning Generation Report

Beginning with a group of 18 technical-vocational scholars in 2013, ECLARO Academy has grown into a full-fledged academic institution that has welcomed more than 16,000 Filipino students, driven by its mission to prepare graduates to compete and excel in a global workforce, no matter who their employer will be.

As our business and presence in the Philippines have grown over the years, we have made it our mission to become increasingly involved in the communities in which the ECLARO team works and lives. ECLARO Academy has had a special place in our hearts since its very beginning as a way to give back while always looking to the future.

ECLARO Academy now has two campuses, more than 3,000 current enrollees in programs from pre-school through college level—as well as a school for the deaf—and more than 4,000 graduates to date. The school offers myriad academic tracks—ABM (Accounting, Business and Management), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), GAS (General Academic Strand), HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences), and Technical-Vocational Track; HE (Home Economics), and ICT (Information, Communication and Technology)—and was certified training partner of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Academy, offering a curriculum designed to help students develop technical expertise in cloud computing. All ECLARO Academy course offerings are recognized and accredited by the Department of Education (DepEd), Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA), and the Commission on Higher Education.

Through such broad curriculum options, training in the art of public speaking and communication, even via instilling the mindset that success and learning are not only achievable but are intimately intertwined, ECLARO Academy focuses on delivering graduates who are prepared to compete and excel in a global workforce.

With studies showing that every year of schooling increases a person’s lifetime earnings by 10%, and enrollment rates at dangerously low rates among children in the Philippines, we saw an opportunity to make an impact at the most foundational level. That’s where ECLARO Academy and our education-based impact sourcing program began in the Philippines in 2013.

Maybe you’re familiar with the term “impact sourcing,” but just in case…. As defined by our friends at the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP), impact sourcing “is a business model where organizations intentionally hire and provide career development opportunities to people who otherwise have limited prospects.” Here at ECLARO, we’ve gone to the core of the “career development” concept—schooling and education—to help start making an impact as early as possible in life.

With nearly 4 million out-of-school youth in the Philippines, the ECLARO impact sourcing program provides a way to help those in need truly build a more positive future for themselves. We strive to help the future workforce starting in kindergarten, to give them the tools to use education to impact their earnings and economic opportunity down the line. The first step on the career ladder, that first stride toward skills development and economic self-sufficiency, can be that first step a child takes in their education.  

The school has always been open to any and all lovers of learning in the Philippines, including those already working with ECLARO.

We offer up to 90% subsidies to employees and their families to attend ECLARO Academy, and offer continuing education programs to ECLARO employees. With premium educators and facilities, and an average student to faculty ratio of 25:1, we are proud to offer a quality education and give back to the Filipino community in a very meaningful way.

ECLARO has provided nearly $6 million in scholarships to students to attend the Academy to date, and in keeping with our objective to increase opportunities for disadvantaged populations, the number of scholarships offered continues to grow every year. In addition, we have hired a number of ECLARO Academy graduates since the school opened, and we look forward to more graduates joining us in the coming years. But more important, we are helping young people develop skills and a mindset to excel in a global workforce, whether they are working with us or another company.

All of us here at ECLARO are immensely proud to have received the Global Impact Sourcing Award from the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) and the Rockefeller Foundation, as well as the Outsource Acceleration Outsourcing Impact Award in Education, and to have been named to the Global Outsourcing 100 by IAOP each year since 2020.

Impact Sourcing - Opportunities for ECLARO Clients
Giving Back. Shaping Futures. Changing Lives.

Our clients have long expressed an interest in getting involved with ECLARO Academy, to immerse themselves in the school and be part of something that genuinely changes lives. So we have created a program that allows our clients to sponsor scholarships for underprivileged students to attend ECLARO Academy at no cost.

Through ECLARO's Impact Sourcing Program, you have the opportunity to provide an underprivileged Filipino child with an education and a better future. View our ECLARO Impact Sourcing One-Sheet here.

It's as simple as starting with a pilot program with ECLARO. By committing to hire five ECLARO resources for a minimum of 1 year, you can sponsor a scholarship to ECLARO Academy on behalf of your company for one of the following: 

  • Nine years of grammar school (Grades Kindergarten through 8th)
  • Four years of high school (Grades 9-12)
  • Four years of college

Should you choose to sponsor scholarships, you'll get updates and progress reports on the students you sponsor.  If you make a trip to the Philippines, ECLARO will host a celebration luncheon for your company representatives, your scholars and their families.

With nearly 4 million out-of-school youth in the Philippines, the ECLARO Impact Sourcing program provides a terrific opportunity to help those in need. Your participation will help underprivileged youth reap the many benefits of an education and equip them with the knowledge they need to have a brighter future. 

Eclaro Academy College Students