December 23, 2024
’Twas the Night Before Christmas…at ECLARO
’Twas the night before Christmas (or a day before that)
And ECLARO was buzzing—finding top talent, stat!
The team worked together, with focus so bright,
Searching worldwide, for people just right.
The reqs were all readied, each posting refined,
To ensure every hire was perfectly aligned.
Screening questions were prepped with precision and care,
Knowing great talent soon would be there
Then out by reception, there arose such a clatter,
Recruiters sprang from their desks to see what was the matter.
When what to their wondering eyes should appear
But a client in red, and a couple reindeer
“I’m Saint Nick. I need talent—top talent, indeed
IT and back office, and reindeer team leads
The growing demands of my holiday mission
Require world-class top talent acquisition”
ECLARO consulted and listened and learned
As with every client, Saint Nick’s trust was earned
Experience, skill sets, culture-fit needs
ECAPTIVE outsourcing would help him succeed
His eyes—how they twinkled! His dimples so merry!
“I need very good people,” Saint Nick said. “Very. Very.
I have roles right now—it’s my busy season
But in the future I’ll scale, whatever the reason
“Dev Ops, cyber safety, finance and accounting
I find my staff-aug needs are constantly mounting
My team must excel in clear communication
And reliability is essential to my reputation
“I want my own people, no resources shared,
No hidden costs, and a partner that cares.
We work ’round the clock, and while it’s great fun
I’m looking for staff who can follow the sun.”
A custom solution came back from ECLARO
Though the hiring window was really quite narrow
“I love it,” Saint Nick said, “And I’m not a bit nervous
We’ve both built a business on great global service”
The recruiters worked quickly, with focus and care,
They searched for top talent—here, there, everywhere
From the North to the South, from the East to the West,
They’d built Saint Nick’s team, and not take a rest.
More rapid than eagles, the applicants came,
And Saint Nick called out every candidate’s name:
“Now Dasher! Now Dancer! Now Vixen and Prancer!
On Comet! On Cupid! The Right People are the Answer!
To the screening, the interview, the unique skill-set test!
Now hire away, hire away, hire the best!”
They sourced with a mission, their strategies sound,
As talent was found for locales all around.
Tech experts, sleigh drivers, sales stars so bright,
ECLARO sent candidates all through the night.
Saint Nick himself interviewed every one
And then, just like that, all his staffing was done
Onboarding placed all seamlessly in their roles
Even remotely, far from the North Pole
Saint Nick thanked the team, and he said with a smile,
“We’ve found our solution—wish I’d known all the while!
Outsourcing, offshoring, you’ve built such a crew,
ECLARO, ECAPTIVE, you helped see us through!”
The recruiters then walked Saint Nick out to his sleigh,
And like the down of a thistle, he just flew away
But they heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night.”