July 3, 2023
Celebrating the Independent Spirit
Independence Day here in the USA brings with it an endless array of celebrations. Fireworks shows and fabulous parades, baseball games and backyard barbecues, hot dog eating contests and music concerts and a cacophony of red-white-and-blue everything on display. And at the heart of every one of those events is a spirit of independence.
As we celebrate July 4 with our family, friends, clients and colleagues, four members of the Eclaro family reflect on their visions of the “independent spirit” and how it informs and motivates them (who knows, maybe it will give you a little bit of motivation, too). Personally and professionally, they share inspiration they’ve found on the big screen and in the big-time efforts of individuals striving to evolve their companies, in the words of legendary business leaders and in the actions and attitudes of people we all work with every single day.
Light Those Fireworks!
“One of the greatest things about my career in staffing has been all of the consultants I have met over the decades drawn to consulting rather than direct hire positions because of their independent spirits, intellectual curiosity, desire to challenge themselves with solving complex business and technical challenges for a variety of customers. I love hearing about people’s journeys and what ‘lights them up’ about their work.
I also love hearing from clients about their desires to innovate and evolve to solve problems or take advantage of new opportunities. I enjoy nothing more than listening to their goals and desires and bringing my 30-plus years of professional experience to making the vision of their team a reality. Connecting visionaries is what ‘lights me up!’”—Kate McCabe, SVP, Strategic Accounts
The Pursuit of Happiness
“A while back, I heard a quote from Steve Jobs that he said during a commencement speech at Stanford University. ‘Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.’
It stuck with me, because it is very true to how I approach life, both on a personal and professional level. As we celebrate the 4th of July and the independent spirit of America, it resonates even more.
Our Founding Fathers may have had a little bit different mindset, but what they did hundreds of years ago goes along with Jobs’ advice. Go out and be who you are on a daily basis, without worrying about what others think or say. Be confident, driven and follow your dreams, and it will result in success. There will be a lot plenty of obstacles and challenges presented by others along the way, but stay true to yourself and you’ll be a better and happier person for it.”—Jeff Metz, VP of Sales
Summer Blockbusters
“I’m a big movie guy, and whenever this time of year rolls around I think about truly American stories—people who held true to themselves and their dreams. I love sharing Sylvester Stallone’s journey to make Rocky. Sly was offered $360,000 for his script for Rocky with the condition that he would NOT take that leading role. This is a man who, at the time, had no car and $106 in his bank account. But, in true independent spirit, he continued fighting the studios because he believed in the role and in himself. Today we have arguably one of the greatest underdog stories ever made.
Flash-forward 50 years and we have another true independent spirit in Ryan Coogler. These days you can’t think Rocky without also thinking Creed. Coogler is ringing in a new age of films by telling the unique stories and bringing to light perspectives of cultures that have been historically overlooked by Hollywood. Coogler is paving the way for the next 50 years of storytellers by holding true to his own sense of style and spirit and showing the world how relatable (and profitable!) that independent spirit can be.
I take inspiration from their success and those of many others who have the bravery to share who they are.
To bring myself back to the ground I see this spirit play out in my conversations every day. My favorite candidates are the ones who know themselves. They have a clear vision of what they want. There’s no game being played—it’s simply honesty and growth and patience. If a role isn’t right, we say it’s not a fit and move on. If it is right, we send follow-ups and do what it takes to stand out.
So as this holiday comes and goes, keep thinking about the things that make you ‘you,’ and don’t be afraid to hold fast to the independent spirit that drives you forward!”—Chris Viemeister, Executive Recruiter (and Movie Fanatic)
And the Home of the Brave
“When I think of the term “independent spirit” as it relates to the business world, I don’t go to that place that many may instinctively go—to the Benjamin Franklins, Thomas Edisons, Henry Fords, Bill Gates’s and Steve Jobs’s, those famous innovators whose once-in-a-generation ideas and independent, creative spirit compelled them to succeed and make their indelible mark upon this world. Instead, my brain goes to those usually anonymous rock stars involved in the day-to-day running of their respective businesses and companies both large and small.
Whether they are in high-profile executive positions or in taxing behind-the-scenes roles that make the machine move forward, the independent spirit I think of is the life-force that dictates a company’s hard-earned success, or its unfortunate failure. That independent spirit is the courage that certain individuals have to show up every day and fight the status quo. To not be satisfied with ‘that’s the way we’ve always done it’ and to continually fight for incremental improvement. To put themselves at risk to stand up for what they truly believe is for the betterment of their company, their teammates and themselves.
They may not always have the most innovative and creative ideas to change the world at large, but they have the bravery and intestinal fortitude to take on the tough day-to-day tasks, to take the road less- traveled at their respective companies, to make the unpopular decisions and recommendations, and to make their own mark in their own respective worlds. I put that version of the independent spirit right up there with the more obvious and famous ones. No offense, Elon Musk.”—Ken Morris, SVP, Global Services
Many happy, healthy, safe July 4th wishes and a toast to the independent spirit from all of us here at Eclaro!